Pennsylvania House Bill 1283 is a big deal for cyclist safety in Philadelphia. This critical legislation aims to legalize parking-protected bike lanes on state roads, which is essential for creating a safer and more bike-friendly environment in our cities.

The Importance of HB 1283

Parking-protected bike lanes have been proven to significantly enhance cyclist safety and increase ridership. In Philadelphia, where many major roads are state-owned, the current law prohibits the installation of these life-saving infrastructure improvements. Here’s why HB 1283 is so important:

  1. Increased Safety: Parking-protected bike lanes reduce bike-related intersection injuries by about 75% compared to crossings without such infrastructure.
  2. Boost in Ridership: After buffered bike lanes were installed on Spruce and Pine streets, bike traffic increased 95% and the number of people biking on the sidewalks fell 22%.
  3. Reduced Crashes: A recent report from Philadelphia showed that pilot parking-protected bike lane projects led to a 34% decrease in crashes overall and zero traffic fatalities.
  4. Public Support: 96% of people using protected bike lanes believe they increased safety on the street.

The Current Situation

Despite the clear benefits, PennDOT currently does not allow for the installation of parking-separated bike lanes on state-owned roads. This limitation significantly hampers efforts to create a comprehensive network of safe cycling infrastructure in Philadelphia and other Pennsylvania cities.

Call to Action

We need your help to make our streets safer for everyone. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Contact Your Representatives: You can easily reach out to your officials in minutes by using Resistbot, a convenient tool that allows you to quickly communicate your support for the act. By taking action, you contribute to creating safer streets and a better quality of life for everyone.
  2. Spread the Word: Share information about HB 1283 on social media and with your local cycling groups. The more people who know about this bill, the better our chances of getting it passed.

By taking action today, you can help create safer streets for cyclists, pedestrians, and drivers alike. Let’s work together to make Pennsylvania a leader in road safety and sustainable transportation.